
The 7M Contest Group

An Amateur Radio Contest Group

Thank you for dropping by our website, we are a bunch of Radio Amateurs who enjoy contesting. Contesting in Amateur Radio is also known as “Sport Radio” I guess there is more physical activity than you would think and mental activity too. Sometimes we might need to set up a station or even two including erecting masts and antenna’s and then take them all down again 24 hours later! Being on air can be mentally draining so lots of sleep the day before! Knowing which frequencies to use is crucial in many multi band operations such as the IOTA contest every July that’s why we need to know what’s happening with the solar activity! Solar activity can render our bands unusable, not a good situation when entering a contest! Continuous improvement is what we strive to achieve, always looking at how we can improve our scores, we look forward to working you in the pile ups!

The 7M Contest Group is associated to the RSGB and the S&DWS and on occasion the 807 club. We will from time to time take part in “Local” activities in our local areas with local clubs.

We are open to new members, membership is free however we ask that you have an interest in contesting and continuous self improvement, if that’s you then feel free to email me, G3VCQ@sheffield-live.co.uk. Club Secretary.

73 Ed.